Name: Chris Tucker
Age: 16
Where are you from?: England
Armory Link: Name: Caliyre
Char. Class: DeathKnight
Char. Level: 80
Professions (level and please add any rare/epic recipes you may have): Jewelcrafting 450/Skinning 450
Are you able to raid the required days(Wednesday, Sunday and Monday? 19:30 - 23:00): Yes
Have you read and understand the guild rules?!: Yes
Raid Progress: On this Character I have only done 4/12 icc 10 and 5/12 icc 25 but I have a main character who has 6/12 ICC10 HC and 7/12 ICC 25 so I know full tactics for these bosses
Naxxramas (WotLK 10) -
Naxxramas (WotLK 25) -
Sanctum (10) -
Sanctum (25) -
EoE (10) -
EoE (25) -
Ulduar (10 / HC) -
Ulduar (25 / HC) -
ToTc (10 / HC) -
ToTc (25 / HC) -
Onyxia (WotLK 10) -
Onyxia (WotLK 25) -
ICC (10) - 4/12
ICC (25) - 5/12
Current/Previous Guild/s: Nothing Worth mentioning
Why did you leave your previous guild?: Not a raiding guild
Why do you wanna join us?: Looking for a guild with good progress
The best part of the game for me is: My dps, I have 5.4k Gearscore and struggle getting into 'Good Groups' but since I started going to ICC there hasn't been a dps under 5.8k GS that can beat me. I feel it's a matter of skill over gear
Your guildleader just bubbled while tanking Malygos. What do you do? Carry on flying, killing flying mobs
Do you think a Druid can be MT? Yes, but so can all tanks
You would like to do an instance, how do you go about getting a group for it? Join LFG tool and do dailies till it pops
You're in the worst pickup group ever. How do you get out of this mess xD? Just leave it
Anything else you think we should know about you plz do tell: This is my second apply because I feel both my characters are capable of raiding with you and I'm comfortable on both, (Kampuf is my main)