About you:Name: Mathias
Age: 17, soon 18.
Where are you from?: Sweden
About your character:Char. Name: Dewy
Char. Class: Shaman
Char. Level: 80
Professions (level and please add any rare/epic recipes you may have):450 Elixir Master
450 Herbalism
350 Fishing
And also, I'm about to skill up Cooking.
Are you able to raid the required days(Wednesday, Sunday and Monday? 19:30 - 23:00):Yes I'm. I can also continue raiding if we're close to down a new boss and you decide to continue the raid until the boss is dead.
Have you read and understand the guild rules?!:I've read it and I understands it!
Raid Progress:Naxxramas (WotLK 10) - Cleared it server 2nd on Haomarush.
Naxxramas (WotLK 25) - Cleared it server 2nd on Haomarush.
Sanctum (10) - Server 2nd again.
Sanctum (25) - Server 2nd.
EoE (10) - Server 2nd.
EoE (25) - Server 2nd.
Ulduar (10 / HC) - Haven't raided Ulduar 10 that much at this char, but got experience as hunter for all bosses. EVEN hardmodes.
Ulduar (25 / HC) - Cleared full on this character and I got One light in the darkness left on my hunter for drake;<
ToTc (10 / HC) - Cleared this on my Hunter in HC, I've just done normal on this shaman.
ToTc (25 / HC) - Cleared 3/5 on my Hunter in HC, and I've done it normal on my shaman.
Onyxia (WotLK 10) - Done.
Onyxia (WotLK 25) - Done.
ICC (10) - Got Kingslayer on my Hunter and 7 bosses on my Shaman. (Even got some HC on my hunter).
ICC (25) - 11/12 on my Hunter, normal. Just 6 bosses on my Shaman. But I've been raiding as DK tank/dps aswell 11/12 HC (Friends character).
Current/Previous Guild/s:Why did you leave your previous guild?: I've been in Rapture at this server. Just migrated here tho, and they're lacking peoples to the raid and got some retarded peoples, not to be rude but..
Why do you wanna join us?: Well my friend are in Madness Within (Snoppän), and he suggested this guild. However, I saw that you don't need resto shamans, well I thought it was worth a shot. Also, I've raided with End-game guilds at Stormreaver, 11/12 HC bosses down. And to be honest, it wasen't that funny to join a guild that already have 11/12 HC bosses down. It's funnier to join and progress with a guild throught the encounters.
The best part of the game for me is: Hide and Seek @ Dalaran, around 03.00 AM :> and raiding of course.
Your guildleader just bubbled while tanking Malygos. What do you do?: Laugh!
Do you think a Druid can be MT?: OFC?! Druid tanks is awesome.
You would like to do an instance, how do you go about getting a group for it?: I'm a healer, just write healer LFG.
You're in the worst pickup group ever. How do you get out of this mess xD?:I can handle everything!
Anything else you think we should know about you plz do tell: Well, I've been "hardcore" raider since the realse of Vanilla-WoW. I've always been into the end-game raids and well, I'd like to continue that way. This time, like a healer and from a "fresh" start with a guild. I do know that you've downed some bosses in ICC25, and progressing in ICC10 HC. But well, I'm the one that prefers 25man raids
Still, I love raiding 10man aswell.
However, I'm keeping myself updated all the time with new speccs/gems/tactics and not just around my own class. So well, I'd say I know what I'm doing when I'm playing. And with that said, I'm gonna remove my 3rd gem in my legs
Hope you enjoyed reading this and that you're concider to take in a new shaman, just /w me in-game if you need to ask more questions or something.